NEEDWorking Community Guidelines

  • Keep it inclusive.

    Use language that is inclusive and welcoming to all.

    We have a 0 tolerance policy for offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate comments. All comments and members who violate this will be removed from the community.

  • Promote yourself but don't forget to provide as well.

    While we want you to hype yourself and your services, we don’t want this community to become overly promotional, please be sure to both promote and give.

  • Stay on topic.

    Use the designated NEEDworking channel for its intended purposes.

    Keep conversations relevant and meaningful to the community.

  • Protect people's privacy.

    Don’t share sensitive or personal information about yourself or others without consent.

    Respect the confidentiality of conversations in the group.

  • Report issues if you see them.

    If you notice any behavior that violates these guidelines, report it to